Early 2024 several of us decided to tackle Noble Team and debut the suits at Dragon Con in September of 2024. Our goal was to make the suits look as accurate to the Deliver Hope trailer as possible. To do that was a real challenge and not very cost friendly, but we pushed through! The hard armor parts are all 3D printed. The tech suits underneath were all cast in Rebound and 3D printed molds with Dragon Skin 10. Using InstinctCreavtice3D files, I printed molds and parts to be molded. This was a learning curve for me and it took me nearly 3 months to finish my personal suit, Carter/ Noble 1. After having the molding process figured out, it was a rather speedy process to finish the rest of the team. Coming in first place and finishing just at two weeks was Emile. Second place was Kat which took three weeks to complete.
I have had many requests for a spartan tutorial. It is coming! Each suit costs approximately $1600 in material and when you’re working by yourself, it takes a lot of time! Rest assured a tutorial is coming. I have included some photos of the suits for you to check out below!
Meet the Team